13 Jan 2013

Time-control specs

The researchers have developed new "time-control" spectacles that can prevent jet lag and cure insomnia. This it does by resetting the body clock. The high-tech glasses emit a soft green glow which works on the human body clock to change our sleep patterns. Using the device, called the Re_timer, means long-haul air passengers can step off the plane feeling fresh, eve after flying over ling distances.

Inventor Professor Leon Lack said that the glasses could also help those suffering from insomnia, keep shift workers more alert and get people out of the bed in the morning. Using the divide allows one to adjust his/her body clock to a new time zone in small steps. This eliminates the sudden change people experience after flying over ling distances. 

The device stimulates the part of the brain responsible for regulating the 24-hours body clock. It sends signals to the rest of the body, triggering the production of hormones which create daily cycles known as circadian rhythms. Those who want to sleep and wake up early should wear the device for 50 minutes in the morning, while those who want to sleep 50 minutes before bed to delay the body clock. The battery powered glasses can be worn while completing daily tasks. 

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