Man-made rubbish floating in space often litter from space exploration, including spanners, nuts, bolts, gloves and shards of space craft are what is called Space Junk. The majority of the space debris consist of small particles but some objects are larger, including spent rocket stages, defunct satellites and collision fragments.
About 10 million pieces of human made debris are estimated to be circulating in space at any one time. Out of which 22,000 human-made objects are larger than 10 centimeters across. Experts believe that global positioning systems, international phone connection, television signals and weather forecasts could be affected by increasing levels of space junk. The windows of space shuttles are often chipped by space junk when returning to earth. A crash between a defunct Russian Cosmos satellite and an Iridium's satellite in February 2009 left around 1,500 pieces of junk whizzing around the earth at 7.5 km a second.
The international Space Station is fitted with special impact shield known as the Whipple Bumper, which is designed to protect the structure from damage caused by collisions with minor debris. As the cloud of orbiting junk shrouding the Earth grows ever denser, the most sophisticated garbage collectors of all time are taking shape. "Robotics capture" or Orbital snatch-and-grab technology orbit to burn up on re-entry can be a reliable option in orbit.
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