A Device Modeled on Dog's Nose That Can Sniff Out Explosives
At the University of California, USA Scientists had designed a new "nano-tech" chip which can sniff out traces of molecules form explosives. The device is portable, accurate and highly sensitive, and could become as commonplace as smoke detectors in public places in near future.
The new device used microfluidic nanotechnology to mimic the biological mechanism which is behind scent receptors of dogs. The device is highly sensitive to trace amounts of certain vapour molecules and is able to tell a specific substance apart form similar molecules.
Dogs are still the gold standard for scent detection of explosives. But like a human being, a dog can have a good day or gad day, get tired or distracted In this aspect, the device steals a march over dogs, as it always has the same amount of sensitivity. Test results show that the device can detect airborne molecules of 2.4 dinitrotoluene, the primary vapour emanating from TNT-based explosives.
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